This course is designed to provide elementary/secondary school personnel with a comprehensive organizational, behavioral and curricular approach to support students who exhibit challenging behaviors. Participants will develop an understanding of the psycho-educational philosophy of the BIST model and how it ties into trauma-informed care for students. They will also learn the Goals for Life, language to reduce resistance with difficult students and develop effective communication skills with parents and other staff members. Through role-playing, participants will have the opportunity to observe the new concepts being taught by the Behavior Intervention Support Team.

*3 Graduate credits available through Baker University for five day class (request the syllabus from if you are interested)


8:00     Sign In (use the link in the chat)
8:30     Morning Education Session
11:30    Lunch Break
12:30    Afternoon Education Session
4:00     Wrap Up with Q&A

Event Info
    • Zoom Seats Left: 878 (Capacity: 1000)
Class Fee
  • Non-member $300.00
  • Member $200.00