This course is designed to:
• Provide school personnel with a comprehensive organizational, behavioral and curricular approach to support students who exhibit challenging behaviors.
• Develop an understanding of the psycho-educational philosophy of the BIST model and how it ties into trauma-informed care for students.
• Teach the Goals for Life, language to reduce resistance with difficult students and develop effective communication skills with parent and other staff members.

*2 Graduate credits available through Baker University (separate registration)

This class is available virtually via Zoom (Select “Zoom” during registration)
Each virtual participant will receive an online interactive BIST manual with their registration. A bound copy can be mailed to virtual participants for an additional cost of $20. Contact the BIST office at for details.

++Persons with disabilities requiring reasonable accommodations must contact the BIST office 72 hours before the event.++

General Schedule (all times are Central)

8:00 Sign In, on-site (QR code) and virtual (link in chat)
8:30 Morning Education Session
11:30 Lunch Break- on your own
12:30 Afternoon Education Session
4:00 Wrap Up with Q&A

Event Info
    • Zoom Seats Left: 934 (Capacity: 1000)
Class Fee
  • Member $200.00
  • Non-member $300.00